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Updates & Lent Planning

Follow St. Peter's Instagram and Facebook!

LENT RESOURCES: Here's a whole Lent Resources page I made with lots of ideas! I'll have some copies of our Lent Action Cards and Family Reflections on Prayer for you to take home Ash Weds (services at Noon and 6 PM) or on Sunday. You can also print/reference them at home if you want to be extra prepared (email me for a copy of the Reflections on Prayer)!

Service is also a huge part of Lent. See below for what I'm working on.


p.a.c.k. - I've been getting to know folks at p.a.c.k. (People of Action Caring for Kids) and it is a totally kid-friendly service project. I'm training as a leader to start our own group, but in the meantime would love to invite your families to join on any 1st or 3rd Weds. of the month from 4:30-6:30 (drop in is fine) with another Episcopal church group. (totally conflicts with our Weds. night activities, which is why I want start a different day).

2/18 Green Team Info Meeting - Let's start recycling (at St. Peter's and at home), attend trash pickup days, partner with community gardens, the ideas are endless! Caring for the earth is something all ages can definitely participate in! Info meeting is this Sunday, 2/18 after church in the parlor.

SUMMER PLANS: VBS and Summer camp (June and July) registrations will be live on our website Thursday, Feb 15 for the public to sign up. Reach out to myself or Kathleen with any questions.

THURSDAY COFFEE MEETUPS: I know many of ya'll are working and can't attend. However, I've been bringing coffee for Moms from the community every Thursday morning at 9:15 AM at Butterbean Pavilion to make connections and build relationships.

2/28 MOMS GROUP: On the second and fourth Weds of the month, I'll have a MomCo gathering (this is a rebrand of MOPS). Each meeting has a topic to discuss, but the main focus is relationships and support. February was off because of the Market, so February 28 at 6 PM in the parlor is the next meeting date.

DADS: I'm not trying to exclude you! Please reach out to me or David if you want get involved in/start Parents/Dad/Man stuff.

3/8 GROUP HIKE: Friday, 3/8 at 10 AM, McQueen trail at Skidaway Is. State Park with Tribe Savannah

3/9 ACOLYTE TRAINING: Once kids are in 4th grade, they may train as Torchbearers (one of the acolyte roles). The next training will be on Saturday, March 9 at 10 AM in the church.

Ok, I'll stop there. Love y'all, love all your kids, and I'm SO grateful to be given the privilege of teaching them about the love of God and living life with God together!


Susanne O'Day ( or 912.421.0056)

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