Planning a Visit?
We're glad you are considering a visit to St. Peter's and look forward to meeting you!
Parking | There are a few handicapped and visitor parking spaces near the entrance. Drive around the back of the building and our large parking lot has ample parking and handicapped parking. There are signs directing you to the church, nursery, offices, parish hall, etc.
Dress | You'll see a wide range of attire from polo shirts to suits and dresses. Clergy, choir, and lay ministers wear vestments and robes.
Children & Families | Nursery is available from 10-11:30 AM for ages 0-4. We also have activity bags for children in the church. Ask an usher or greeter if you need help finding them. "Little Church" is for kids ages 5-12. Children will process out with Miss Susanne during the first hymn and return during the Peace. Instructions will be in the bulletin.
8:00 AM service | This one hour service is contemplative and quiet. You'll enter quietly and find a seat. Worship booklets, which include instructions for receiving communion, are available in the center aisle.
10:15 AM service | This service includes music and a full complement of lay ministers (choir, greeters, ushers, acolytes) and clergy. You'll be greeted as you enter, welcomed by an usher who will give you a worship booklet. The ushers also help direct worshippers to the altar rail for communion.
11:30 AM coffee hour | A reception, with coffee, tea and donut holes follows the 10:15 AM service. Join us an give us an opportunity to say "hello!"
Be sure to check out the Events page for other gatherings!