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Strategic Plan 2025

St. Peter's is growing, and we're thrilled to welcome so many new faces!

In fact, the Strategic Planning team has realized about 40% of our members have joined within the last four years. As we come together—longtime members alongside newer ones—we’re excited to strengthen our ministries and shape the future of our parish, hand in hand.


No church can be everything to everyone, but with thoughtful planning, we can focus on where our community’s needs, our resources, and the Gospel’s call to action come together. So how do we choose what to take on and what to set aside? How do we ensure St. Peter's stays focused on what truly matters?


That’s where our new Strategic Plan comes in!

The Vestry and Rector have commissioned a fresh planning process to set goals together over the next five years, and we’ve once again partnered with the Kaleidoscope Institute to help us shape our future. This collaborative process kicks off with a series of all-parish breakfast meetings, and we’d love for you to join us!

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The first meeting will be on October 6th, from 10:00 AM to Noon, after a single abbreviated service in the Big Church at 9:00 AM, followed by free breakfast.

It’s your chance to lend your voice, share ideas, and be part of this exciting journey as we work together to create the next chapter for St. Peter’s. Save the dates for the other two meetings, set for January 26 at 9 AM and March 30 at 9 AM. All parish-wide meetings will have childcare.


We can’t wait to dream, plan, and grow with you!


Strategic Planning Committee

Regina Holderness                  Susan Homar                         Cindy Howell

John Ingram                             Peter Kastner, ex officio        Dan Malachuk, Chair

Michael Shreve                        Randy Stolt                             Herman Stone  

Rebekah Matthews                

Kelly Steele, ex officio


Contributing Staff

Cathy Henderson                    Susanne O’Day                       Kathleen Turner

David Wantland                      Julie Boleyn, Kaleidoscope

Strategic Plan 2019

In 2019, St. Peter's had a surge of enthusiasm for making a difference for Christ on Skidaway Island and beyond. Together, we developed our strategic plan in parish-wide meetings. We tightened and shifted our spending to aim for our six goal areas to help us grow. Our focus: governance, building use, internal and external relationships, youth and elderhood.


View the full 2019 Strategic Plan here.

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