St. Peter's is a place where all ages gather for spiritual and relational growth-- and FUN! Our mission is to invite families into a life with God through wonder, tradition, and learning. Our vision is to be a light for modern families in a hectic culture, transforming hearts and minds through the way of Jesus. Contact Children's Minister Susanne O'Day regarding programs for kids and families. Associate Rector David Wantland facilitates youth programs and Acolytes.
For more information about any of St. Peter’s children’s programs, please contact Susanne O'Day.
A Nursery for infants - age 4 is available on Sundays from 10:00 - 11:30 AM. The Nursery is always staffed with two background checked, Safe Church trained attendants.
All children and youth ages 8 and older are invited to serve in worship by joining our acolyte ministry. Acolytes are scheduled on a rotating basis to process with the cross, the Gospel, or the torches.
Little Church
During the 10:15 AM lessons, sermon, and prayers, ages 5-12 are invited to join the procession (or sit with their parents) and follow the cross out to Little Church. Little Church engages the readings of the day, liturgical actions, saint days and feast days, and the circle of the church year. We will read, sing, pray, learn, and wonder about God. Children return to parents/caregivers in Big Church during the peace.
Kids' Kits
We offer Kids’ Kits containing coloring pages, lacing cards, books and other activities designed to help children (of all ages) learn about the Episcopal tradition, liturgical items, and feast days. Kids’ Kits are available near the doorways leading into the sanctuary.
Seasonal Events
St. Peter’s sponsors a variety of seasonal events throughout the year to engage children in the knowledge and love of Christ and to build fellowship.
Spring - Party Gras, St. Patrick's Day, Easter Egg Hunt
Summer - Vacation Bible School
Fall - Back to School Blessing, Pet & Stuffed Animal Blessing, Trunk or Treat, Food Drive
Winter - Advent Wreath Making, Lessons & Carols, Advent Angel deliveries, St. Nicholas Talent Show, Christmas Eve Pageant, Animal Meeting

For more information about any of St. Peter’s youth programs, please contact David Wantland.
All children and youth ages 8 and older are invited to serve in worship by joining our acolyte ministry. Acolytes are scheduled on a rotating basis to process with the cross, the Gospel, or the torches.
Youth are encouraged to be one of the readers during the service. If you are interested in assisting with worship by serving as an acolyte or lector, please contact David Wantland.
SPY (St. Peter's Youth)
The Journey to Adulthood (J2A) program is a complete youth ministry program of spiritual formation for 6th-12th grades. It encourages relational ministry and uses Bible study, prayer, rites of passage, outreach ministries and both serious and playful activities. The end of J2A is marked by a spiritual pilgrimage that is often a life-changing event for youth. Other experiences include the fall Mystery Trip and the February Ski Trip.
Wednesday Evening
Youth who love music are invited to join our Chancel Choir, which practices on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM - 7:30 in the Choir Room. Our Organist and Choirmaster, Kathleen Turner, directs our Chancel Choir.
Special Events
The culminating experience for our young people is the youth pilgrimage. Every 3 years, our high school students decide where they want to go on pilgrimage, raise the funds, and go out into the world for this adult experience of discovering God in the wider world. Past St. Peter's pilgrimages have been made to Scotland, Italy, Spain, Alaska, and San Francisco.