Pastoral Care​
For Pastoral Care Emergencies: 912.712.0255
Clergy Visits to the Sick
Please let one of our priests know if you are in the hospital or going to be in the hospital or are ill at home. Kelly+ and David+ are available by appointment and can be reached at 912.598.7242.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you have a family member, friend or know of someone who is sick and would welcome a hand-crafted prayer shawl blessed by prayers of clergy and congregation during a Eucharist service? Please let the office know, at 912.598.7242.

The Flower Guild & Flower Delivery
The altar flowers take on new life each week, after the 10:15 AM service ends at St. Peter's. The Flower Guild member who has arranged the week's flowers works again in the sacristy, disassembling the arrangement. She then creates several smaller bundles of flowers and greens that are taken by dedicated members to other parishioners unable to join us for services.
St. Peter's Greeting Card Ministry
The goal is for every parishioner to receive cards for birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Other occasions may be honored as well such as sympathy, illness and 1st year anniversaries of a loved one's death.
Sending of Eucharistic Visitors
This is a group of parishioners who regularly take communion to those in the congregation who are sick or otherwise unable to get to church.
It's an important part of our pastoral care ministries and they're going on behalf of all of us. So let's send them with our prayers.
St. Peter's Prayer Ministry: How to Ask for Prayers
Our Prayer Guild, a long-standing group of parishioners who pray without ceasing for others, is always available for your prayer requests. Ask for prayers for yourself or others by submitting this simple form.
These form requests are received by both our Prayer Ministry Leader and Clergy.
Read more about St. Peter's Prayer Ministry.