Everyone is important to Jesus. Jesus wasn't a doctor who gave medicine, but he still healed people's bodies and their hearts, too.

Little Church | June 30, 2024 | Proper 8
Lesson Recap:Â Â Mark 5:21-43 Healing
Jesus healed many people. The woman in this story was just as important to Jesus as Jairus and his daughter were. That day, Jesus didn’t just heal the woman’s body. He also healed her heart.
At home (bedtime, car rides, mealtime etc.):
Pray:Â Â Gracious and Healing God, we pray for those who are sick, [especially, ________ .] We want them to get well. Uphold them in their sickness and fill them with grace, that they may know the healing power of your love. Amen.
Wonder Together-
·        I wonder why the woman didn’t think she was as important as Jairus?
·        I wonder if I’m important to Jesus?
·        I wonder if everyone in the world is important to Jesus?
·        I wonder where you see yourself in this story?
·        I wonder who you would bring to Jesus to be healed?