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The Market at 3 West Ridge

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The Market at 3 West Ridge is an annual fundraiser to help non-profit agencies serving at-risk children and youth in Savannah. It consists of a boutique trunk show and plant sale. The trunk show features carefully selected vendors from across the country offering unique merchandise, including personal apparel for the whole family and items for the home and garden. 


The Market’s Plant Sale (click here to learn moreoffers the opportunity to pre-order a wide assortment of early spring plants with a March pick-up date. During the Market, several hundred annuals and perennials, hanging baskets, and containers are for sale.


2024 Market Awards Checks to Charities



The Market joyfully presented checks for $34,000 both to BRIGHTSIDE Child and Family Advocacy and the Coastal Children’s Advocacy Center at a recent church service. These two Savannah non-profits work together to improve life outcomes for children and youth in the foster care system who have been traumatized by emotional and physical neglect and abuse.


BRIGHTSIDE Executive Director, Kate Blair said recently, “We are so grateful to the Market of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, the parishioners, sponsors, and shoppers for an amazing event! We are delighted that its success will benefit BRIGHTSIDE’S work with older teens who are aging out of the foster care system to help them succeed in adulthood.” CCAC Executive Director, Rose Grant-Robinson stated: “Because of the kindness and compassion of St. Peter’s Market and the Landings community, CCAC will begin a new counseling program, HEART, for youth ages 12-17 who have been sexually abused and are at risk for many poor outcomes.


For the past 25 years, St. Peter’s has worked with organizations serving Savannah’s at-risk children and youth. This year we extend a sincere thank you to the parishioners of St. Peter’s for their generous financial and volunteer contributions, the 800 new and loyal shoppers; the publications that help spread the word and the Corporate Sponsors identified below for helping us underwrite the important work of BRIGHTSIDE and CCAC. Your generosity makes this possible.

2024 Market Corporate Sponsors

Signature: Anonymous Platinum: Expert Hearing; J. Shepard Mondy III, Savannah Vascular Institute; Meyer and Sayers, LLC; Oelschig Nursery; Sound View Wealth Management Advisors; The Print Shop


Gold: Holland, Bromley, Barnhill & Brett, LLC; International Paper; Kathy Warden; South State Bank Corporate and Skidaway Branch; Yates Astro Termite & Pest Control


Silver: Bow Tie Barbeque Co.; Bragg BMW; Carter Allstate Agency; Coastal Dentistry; Curry Dry Cleaners; Publix; R. Boaen Real Estate Group; The Marshes


Friends of the Market: Chatham Parkway Lexus; Four Seasons Travel; John B. Rourke Gentlemen’s Clothier; Largo Beverage; Sidney Smith, Georgia Skin & Cancer Clinic; Village Hair Salon; Village Station/Landings Golf Care Center

The Market at 3 West Ridge

History of The Market

Since the founding of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in 1995, outreach has been central to the church’s mission.  In 1996, the Rector urged the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) “to serve the wider community beyond our doors and build fellowship with the congregation.”  The ECW voted that fundraising should support charities benefitting at risk children in Savannah.  Read the history of The Market and its predecessor, Antiques Show, here.




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Office Hours


10 AM - 2 PM

Monday - Thursday

or by appointment


Closed Fridays & Federal Holidays


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St. Peter's Episcopal Church

3 West Ridge Road

Savannah, GA 31411

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