God gave humans a job to do- Go out, fill up the whole world, and make every part of it good and lovely. But people had other ideas.
Genesis chapter 11, Babel.

The people did not trust that if they listened to what God told them everything would be ok. They wanted to protect themselves and make themselves great. The people built a tall, tall tower in their city so that they could reach God if they needed to.
God's dream of the world being good, right, and lovely is too important to give up on. So God took the language the people were speaking and confused it. They couldn't understand each other anymore, and they were forced to spread out, grow, and keep God's dream going.
Here is the Ask Away episode with this story, "Conversation Gets Confusing."
These are short episodes, great for car rides with kids!
Here is the schedule of lessons:
9/8/24– God Made the World: Creation, Genesis 1
9/15/24 – God Loves us No Matter What: Disruption, Genesis 3
9/22/24 – God Keeps the Dream Moving: Babel, Genesis 11
9/29/24 – God Calls Abram & Sarai: Genesis 12 & 15
10/6/24 – No Little Church, single service at 9 AM
10/13 – Waiting for Baby Isaac: Genesis 15
10/20 – God is with Us: Joseph, Genesis 37-45
10/27 – God Frees: Moses & the Burning Bush, Exodus 3-4
11/3 – God Frees: The People Cross the Red Sea, Exodus 5-15
11/10 – God is Good: Manna in the Wilderness, Exodus 16
11/17 – God Reshapes the People: The Law pt. 1
11/24 – Sabbath, Festivals, and Jubilee: The Law pt. 2
Then for Advent we might take a break and get back into it in 2025!