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Proper 6 - Seeds scattered on the ground

Writer's picture: Susanne O'DaySusanne O'Day

In our Gospel lesson this week, Jesus says the Kingdom of Heaven is like seeds scattered on the ground. “Hmmm,” said Jesus. “God’s World is so wonderful, how can I tell people so they will understand? Hmmm. I know,” said Jesus. “Seeds! Everyone has seen seeds!"

We'll talk about what seeds need to grow into plants with fruit or flowers. And then we will wonder about what this has to do with us? Why did Jesus use seeds as his example for us?

Little Church | June 16, 2024 | Proper 6

Lesson Recap:  Mark 4:26-34 Scattering seeds on the ground

“Hmmm,” said Jesus. “God’s World is so wonderful, how can I tell people so they will understand? Hmmm. I know,” said Jesus. “Seeds! Everyone has seen seeds!”

At home (bedtime, car rides, mealtime etc.):

Pray:  Life-giving God, thank you for all that you plant and for how you help us grow.  Be with us as we hear your story and your word that we may grow closer to you.  Amen.

Wonder Together-

·       I wonder why seeds sometimes don’t grow?

·       I wonder what seeds need to become sprouts, and then plants with fruit or flowers?

·       I wonder why Jesus used seeds as an example of God’s wonderful world?

·       I wonder what you like in this story?

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