This week was a continuation of Jesus' teaching about eating and drinking and what gives us life. We went around the circle and shared what "gives us life." Besides food, shelter, oxygen, water, etc. we had some great answers. "My sister. My puppy. Time outside. Going to school. Coming to church."

I used balloons as an object lesson to show that, like us, sometimes we are full of life and breath and sometimes we feel a little deflated.
Jesus' life and spirit are in us, and sometimes maybe we need a refill! The holy spirit fills us and gives us life. What gives you life? Coming to church each week to take communion or receive a blessing, spending time in prayer, enjoying nature, art, or music, fellowship with community? What else?
Activity: I sent home balloons with the kids. Talk about what gives you life, and what might deplete it. When do you feel a little deflated?
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for filling us with your breath and spirit. We need you! Amen.