The last five Sundays we took another look at the VBS curriculum, which is all here on the blog! There are resources and activities for families to engage these amazing stories and lessons of lovingkindness. Let's keep practicing "I see your hurt, I feel your hurt, I help ease your hurt."
As we transition back to our normal rhythm, I'll be using the readings from Sundays in Big Church once again.
This Sunday, August 18, we will learn "We become what we eat" in regard to Jesus from John 6:51-58. A lot of what Jesus taught was hard for people to understand, so he used simple and relatable things like eating and drinking as examples. He told people to eat his body and drink his blood to have life in him.

That's kind of a wild thing to teach people, especially children!
But maybe it's an opportunity for a little lesson about nutrition, but it's also a reminder that we are in Jesus and Jesus is in us. When we take communion each week, we are imagining somethings we cannot see or even fully describe.
Activity: Use your imaginations to describe something. Pretend you cannot see, and imagine.
For example:
I wonder what you think a dog looks like?
I wonder what you imagine a bird looks like?
I wonder how you picture a star shining in the night?
I wonder what you think an apple tastes like?
People listening to Jesus had to work hard to imagine what he was telling them.
Activity: Imagine Jesus sitting with you. What would you want to say to Jesus? What would you say thank you for?
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for giving us your body in the bread and your blood in the wine so that we can be with you and you with us. Amen.