LOVE Mentors
A.B. Williams Elementary School (formerly Spencer) on Wheaton Street is among the 66% of elementary schools in the Chatham County school district that receive Title 1 funding. To qualify, 70% of the student body lives below the poverty line.
Painting by A.L. Addington.
Our support for mentoring students in nine Savannah Title 1 elementary schools through the L.O.V.E. (Local Outreach Volunteer Educators) program is ongoing. In addition to financial contributions from St. Peter’s Outreach, many parishioners participate as mentors. We look forward to getting back into the classroom each year to work with our students one-to-one. L.O.V.E. was founded in 1995 and pre-pandemic, 170 mentors were working with over 300 young students every week. To learn more, check the website, www.lovementors.org or contact St. Peter’s parishioner, Dan Malachuk who serves on the L.O.V.E. Board (daniel.malachuk@gmail.com)
To make an immediate and long-lasting impact on a child's life, consider becoming a L.O.V.E. mentor.